Odds ‘n Ends > Vitalogy Edition

ODD: Saw Pearl Jam in Boston last night (OK, the Comcast Center in Worcester, but that won’t mean much to most of you) and am still recovering from three hours of standing and woo-ing. I thought Eddie was trashed by the end of the show, but hey, it only added to the fun. I got to go to the concert courtesy of Mike, my cousin and best man for my impending nuptials.

END: Mattel’s latest round of Q&As are up, here, here and here (I had some questions in, but they were too late for this round). The most interesting news was this response to a question about DCUC’s distribution issues: “In order to improve product quality we recently changed vendors overseas and this put us a little behind schedule. We are rapidly catching up and the product announced for 2008 should still be shipping before the year is up!” Good to hear.

ODD: I’m trying to decide on a theme for October (“Halloween Month”) here at PGPoA. A couple of years ago, I managed to put up a post a day in October for my other site, Biggerboat. Most of them were movie reviews. Last year I had planned to review every single Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween film; I went briefly insane sometime around Friday the 13th Part IV and decided to abandon the idea. This year I was considering focusing on classic monsters, spending a week focusing on vampires, then on werewolves, then on monsters in general, and then maybe on Lovecraft (generally relating to toys, of course). But I’m open to suggestions.

END: After what can generously be called popular demand, I decided to bring back my Batman vs. Predator figuretoon last week, renaming it “Old Scores.” You can expect more frequent updates in the future. Maybe even this week! But we’ll see–between my fiancee’s dissertation defense and the Fourth, I may not be able to get to it.

ODD: If you haven’t seen them yet, check out the “Gotham Tonight” segments on Gotham Cable News. They’re fake newsmagazine-style productions about Gotham City, running about eight minutes each. Anthony Michael Hall plays the Chris Matthews-like host Mike Engel. You can also watch these on your TV via Comcast OnDemand (which is where I found them). Also check out The Gotham Times. Man, Warner Bros. is going crazy with the ancillary marketing on Dark Knight. That is going to be one packed DVD.


DKMM Batman review on OAFE


The Toybox #7


  1. Fraud???

    I want answers. I want the truth. I CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

  2. Poe

    …yes. And myself too; I removed the offending paragraph. Fraud is never a "fun story." I've learned my lesson.

  3. Mumma Ghostal

    Moderation? Are you CENSURING your own MOTHER????

  4. Ryan Aston

    God, you'd have to be the only person on the planet who actually liked Gotham Knights. I can still smell the stench from here…

  5. I smell piracy…

    and it carries a piquant blend of briny machismo with a hint of Dunkachino.

    Exactly what I would expect a pirate to smell like!!!

  6. Poe

    @JPL–That's an idea. I could also do some sort of "History of the name Poe Ghostal" perhaps…

    @Pete–I thought the DVD wasn't out until the 8th?

  7. Speaking of Bats– Poe, go check out Batman: Gotham Knights. Because it's sweet. Sweet ass sweet.

  8. you cant go wrong with pumpkins, or anything like that.

  9. JPL

    Those Gotham Tonight features are quite entertaining. The most recent one on Gotham's criminal underworld has been the best of the bunch.

    As far as October is concerned, have you thought of covering film adaptations of Edgar Allen Poe's stories. Makes sense considering your name.

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