Want a clear visor for DCUC Eradicator?


OK, I realize there are going to be a few comments about how you couldn’t even find an Eradicator (thanks again, Walmart). But for those who did, you were probably disappointed he didn’t come with the clear visor that was shown in the prototype photos, and had earlier been included with the DC Direct figure.

While the DCD figure’s visor apparently makes for a perfect swap, the figure isn’t that much cheaper on eBay than the DCUC one. But there may be hope!

An enterprising customizer who calls himself Darkov (HotShot on the Fwoosh), who mostly works on reproduction Transformers parts, has cast the Eradicator visor in clear yellow. You can see the final product in the photo at the top.

His initial run was only 10 visors, which he sold for $5 each shipped. Fortunately, I was able to get in on that first run, but interest was so high he’s going to make more. If you’re interested in getting one, send him an email.


Toy review roundup (via Fanmode)


Pic of the Day


  1. zach

    Is it too late to order one of these? I finally got Eradicator today.

  2. Poe


    Just let me know if/when you want me to remove the email link in this post!

  3. Darkov

    Hey…someone just told me that you linked to the visors I made. I have been getting a large amount of requests for these. Yes, The initial run was only 10. But since then I have changed resins and am now getting 2 pair made per day. Once all orders for these are filled I will not be making any more. They are rather time consuming to make. So if you are interested drop me a email and I'll get you the details on how to order them.



    aka Hotshot

  4. *bops everyone with a cardboard tube* o_@

  5. Poe

    Just follow the link that says "reproduction Transformers parts." His email is on that page.

  6. eric

    I tried to e-mail the guy but it will not open. Can you help me out, Poe? Thanks.

  7. George

    I would get it, if it was a major charcter but since there's a million supermen already, I'm not gonna bother. I was thinking of switching ole blue and red supes with this guy anyway since im not gonna get the two packs, hopefully.

  8. Poe

    I think $5 shipped is pretty fair when you consider all the time and money that goes into casting any custom part. You're getting a production-quality accessory.

    A gigantic company like Mattel producing hundreds of thousands of tiny visors can make them for a fraction of a penny each–which, incidentally, probably translates to almost a buck in retail price, maybe more.

  9. $5? YIKES!

    Although, to be fair, it would probably cost around that much to make one from scratch, the clear yellow paint alone is like $3 😛

  10. Tom-Tom

    Meh. I'm planning on making one out of some vinyl and painting it with different layers of clear yellow and clear green. Also for the mold makers in the house, Composimold makes a heat responding silicone that can be re-used:


    Get that, some clear resin and clear yeller, and your good to go.

  11. Very cool. I'm glad fans do stuff like this.

  12. Chuck20

    I got in on that run as well! can't wait for it to get here!

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