A Few More Spy Monkey Armory Pics

I didn’t even realize that the Spy Monkey Armory came with a plug that could be used on Roboto, Trap Jaw and Hurricane Hordak until after I’d taken most of my photos for my review, so here are a few new ones.

One important thing to note is that the plug itself (which is larger than the standard Glyos plug) doesn’t have to be plugged in to the dome-shaped part; it’s removable, with a Glyos Fit Function plug on the other side.

I really like the lightsaber-style effect you get with the translucent blue blade for Trap Jaw.


Pic of the Day > Tiny Zombie by ajayinthelife


Review > King Grayskull (Reissue) (Masters of the Universe Classics, Mattel)



    Hopefully they’ll work both ways with the Arsenal’s weapons able to plug into the Armory’s pieces and the Armory’s blades able to plug into the Arsenal’s hilt/pistol.


    Poe, the possibilities for these just gets better and better.

    I mentioned it over at Fwoosh, and I’m not sure if anybody has tried yet, but I’m assuming we’ll get added combos if the older SMC Arsenal sets are compatible with these new sets.

    • You mean using the plug? Actually you're right, that would work because the plug is removable. I'll try it out tonight.

  3. fball13z

    Very cool new pics, cant wait to get some of these!

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