Pardon the late O ‘n E this morning, folks–had to take one of our guinea pigs, Tribble, to the vet. The good news is, he’s fine!
- While my CornerStoreComics order has yet to ship, I have got my hands on the Flash and Captain Cold, thanks to Power Pals Paul and Pete, respectively. Keep an eye out for those reviews this week or early next week.
- Speaking of CSC, there has apparently been some trouble with the credit card processing company they use. You should check your statements, online or otherwise, to see if there are any unusual charges on the card(s) you use to buy from CSC.
- I know some of you have ordered figures from EE via my associate’s link (it tells me how many commissions I get, though not who or what they ordered), and I just want to say thank you, I really appreciate your support.
- As I write this, I’m listening to The Best of Godzilla, 1954-1975. I just wanted you to know how incredibly nerdy I am.
- I almost wish I didn’t get Faker so early…this is going to be a pretty quiet month for MOTUC. But for those of you who didn’t get a Faker from NYCC, he goes on sale on this Monday, March 16 at noon EDT.
- You may have noticed that I’ve stopped doing the toy news roundups and brought back the link feed on the left. That’s because I found the toy news a bit too sporadic, but more importantly, the newsfeed allows me to post some geeky but non-toy-related links too. You can also add it to your favorite feed reader, if you so desire.
I too have enjoyed the return of the news box.
What do people think about the idea of adding a box with my Twitter feed to the sidebar? I've been mulling it over…
Hurray for the return of "latest toy news" and not because I get linked to on it. I really like checking it out over there.
Also, I'm happy to be counted among the Power Pals. Woot!
Newton Gimmick
Akira Ifukube made some serious jams.