Pic of the Day

brain by markzilla25

Poe’s note: Anyone know what toy line this is from?


Gygor revealed


Review > Scareglow (Masters of the Universe Classics)


  1. okay, it´s not Crash Bandicoot from resaurus…it´s "Creepy Freaks Collectible Monster Game" – who haven´t guessed so? a classic…neverheard of. http://www.flickr.com/photos/markzilla25/41256716

  2. jumper11

    I'm trying to track this sucker down! Does anyone know how big it is?

  3. @Poe: Yep, it's from the creepy freaks game.

  4. MechaShiva

    I don't know what it is but it would pass for Mother Brain.

  5. or it´s from this PlayStation game figure line with this big fox…i know what he looks like but i dunno what the name is …

  6. Poe

    Looks like it's something called "Creepy Freaks," a line by WizKids (of Heroclix fame).

  7. jumper11

    No, but I want one!

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