Enter for a Chance to Win Diamond Select’s Spider-Man & Lizard, Courtesy of FigureoftheDay.com!

In honor of the imminent release of Marvel’s new Amazing Spider-Man film, PGPoA and FigureoftheDay.com are offering a set of both Spider-Man and his latest cinematic nemesis, the Lizard. These fully-articulated figures were designed and produced by Diamond Select Toys!

This is another “Mad Libs”-style contest. I’ve written up a paragraph describing a typical adventure by Spidey, but it’s lacking a few details. Post a comment below and provide the following:

  1. An action verb
  2. An adjective
  3. The name of an animal
  4. An exclamation (i.e., “Banzai!” or “Yippee-kai-ay!” or “Voila!” etc.)
Entries with graphic profanity will not be considered. The winning entry will be selected by the good folks at FigureoftheDay.com.


  1. Contest open to U.S. residents only.
  2. Power Pals or Poe’s friends or family are not eligible.
  3. One entry per person.
  4. Contest ends Friday, June 15 at 12pm ET. No entries submitted after that time will be considered.


Odds ‘n Ends > Beast Saga Vid, NECA does Half-Life & Prometheus, Nerf Intimidation, Figma Link


Pic of the Day > MFX-01 Sword Warrior Jin (Mission Force Microman Quanto Zero-One Neko Mook Exclusive) by chogokinjawa


  1. so…..who won this contest ???

  2. TSB

    Dung Beetle

  3. Snake Eyes

    1 verb: Smash
    2 adjective: goofy
    3 name of an animal: coyote
    3 exclamation: Holy Crap

  4. Congeal
    Sweet Sassy Molassy!

  5. Daniel

    An action verb: Buzzing
    An adjective: magnificent
    The name of an animal: Golden Lancehand (it’s a snake)
    An exclamation: “Great Scott”

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