It’s Snake Face Day!


The Snake Men get a new recruit in Snake Face today. Also available:

Seriously, how long ago was Larfleeze revealed? It’s about time!

I wonder if I’ll be still be doing these day-of posts in a few months. Was Fang Man a one-off situation (possibly because of the Filmation issue), or will day-of MOTUC sales soon be a memory? The re-opening of the subscriptions makes one wonder, but this is just idle speculation.



Pic of the Day > Masters of the Universe Classics – King He-Man by Ed Speir IV


Identify the Toy > Mystery Figures


  1. The_Fun_has_been_Doubled

    I got my very own Cherry picked Snake Face ordered!! YAHOO!

    • dayraven

      you know the best thing about cherry picking, right? when you're done, you have a handful of cherries.

  2. Andy

    40 min. in, Snake Face 'almost gone'

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