Keep on Yuckin’ with a Weirdo Toys t-shirt


During our camping trip over the weekend I had my first opportunity to model this badass shirt from PGPoA ally Weirdo Toys, based on the bizarre Apple Devil.

Click here to get your own–while supplies last!

(And no, I’m not getting any kickbacks for this, but Justin had better get me that interview and Show and Tell in a timely manner.)


NECA nabs Heroclix, Diamond gets Battle Beasts


Final thoughts


  1. Wow! Free Apple Devil T-shirt advertising! The pressure's on! I'll get you that stuff very soon 😀

    Thanks for the props. I'm glad you like the shirt. Looks good on you.

  2. Dark Angel

    …I bet we both wish I could pretend that didn't turn me on…


  3. Poe

    Honestly, I can’t believe you look so civilized while camping…some of us still look like Grizzly Adams even with all the modern conveniences at our disposal.

    Well, just below the frame I'm wearing a loincloth made from leopard skin with a short sword strapped to my hip.

  4. Dark Angel

    Oh, sorry…with the "Poe" thing, I always expected someone more Byronic and…gaunt or pale…or something. 😉 Honestly, I can't believe you look so civilized while camping…some of us still look like Grizzly Adams even with all the modern conveniences at our disposal.

    …um, apparently I did miss the wedding post. This whole, cursed "living like a responsible adult" thing has really cut into my internet time.

  5. Poe

    Hey, I'd been in the outdoors for 24 hours and hadn't been able to put my face on.

    I take it you missed the wedding post a year ago?

  6. Dark Angel

    My word, I think this is the first time I have actually seen your face in…can it really be?…ten years of our on-again, off-again communications!

    …honestly? I thought you would be prettier.

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