Pic of the Day

The Flash by Poe Ghostal

Poe’s note: Inspired by this.


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  1. Lightning. Not Lightening. Shesh

  2. Jim

    Oh no…don’t get me wrong… it is very much improved but not so much like the red on the 1st vendor red plastic.

    In fact, I’d probably ignore the red plastic and soft plastic head IF the wing heads were gold. At least maybe a dark yellow similar to that of Aquaman classic’s yellow belt?

    But I do like the figure though. I just feel those pointy wing ears stick out.

    I have displayed…
    1) DCSH Superman
    2) Wonder Woman
    3) DCSH series 7 Black Gray Batman
    4) Green Lantern
    5) Aquaman

    …on my shelf made for the BIG 7 and when I placed Flash his yellow wing ears stood out a bit.

    Still a great figure though!!!!!!!! But I hope this 3rd vendor cranks out some better figures than the 2nd vendor.

  3. To me, the yellow is more in line with comic colors so I prefer that more than gold. I'd rather Captain Marvel have a yellow lightening bolt on his chest, because it's more old school.

  4. Oh, and now that I've wandered completely off topic, I love the pic, Poe. You're inspiring me to start playing with lightning again. It's just so much fun!

  5. I'm in agreement–I found the red on Flash much improved. In fact, I bought two–one for a minor custom into an adult Wally, because I'm way too impatient to wait and see if he actually gets a figure.

    My problem in this wave is with Kid Flash. He's so tiny! Why do we get adult-sized Nightwing, Starfire, and Cyborg, but kid-sized Wally?

  6. Poe

    Funny–my initial impression on messing with the figure is that the red plastic used for the Flash was an improvement over Mister Miracle, Captain Marvel, Red Tornado, etc.

  7. Jim

    Don't know if it's the economy but the plastic seems different. Poe, the red translucent plasticy red of this 2nd vendor is a lot cheaper looking than the red plastic used by the 1st vendor used for Etrigan, Red Tornado, orion.

    Flash is my favorite character but skipped out on him because his face isn't as defined as Aquaman Greenlatern Batman and Wonderwoman. Seems like the plastic they used for Flash's head was a bit soft which distorts the head a bit. The one I had and all the others I checked had warped uneven wide bloated looking jaw lines.

    In addition, I like the prototype pics where they made his head-wing ear pieces GOLD instead of Yellow. The yellow makes it look a bit cheap. Thank god they didn't make Wonderman Yellow at her belt buckle and chest plate.

    Sorry for the rant but aside from the new red plastic poe mentioned and the soft head plastic and yellow wing ears, I think the figure is amazing.

    I loved the yellow boots with the red highlights! Hopefully, they'll make a repaint and this 3rd vendor won't use cheap red translucent plastic.

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