Mattel Panel #2 – MOTU and Ghostbusters

And just like that, Mattel renders what little I cared about the art book fiasco moot. Holy crap. Scare-Glow! Savage He-Man (a.k.a. Wonder Bread He-Man–I totally called that, btw). Walter Peck–WALTER PECK!?

Here are Rustin Parr’s notes from the Mattypalooza panel.


  • 2010 subscription comes with poster-map of Eternia and Wun-Dar, a.k.a. Savage He-Man (If you get 3 subs, you get 1 package with 3 Wun-Dars, but all subs ship separately each month from any other Mattycollector purchase).
  • Sub does not count bonus figures or giant figures like Battle Cat or “army builder two-packs”
  • Accessory packs are coming
  • Figures: September – Webstor; October – Teela, plus first bonus figure: Zodak repaint in modern paint scheme w/ tattoos and different bio; November – Scare-Glow; December – King Randor, plus bonus figure Green Goddess; January – Princess Adora, w/ bonus figure of Battle Armor He-Man (w/ three interchangeable pieces for chest); February is Trap-Jaw w/ alternate Kronis head and arms, plus Battle Cat and display stands; March is Moss-Man, who is flocked w/ own head and flocked Beast Man head)


  • 6″ figure every other month starting in October. October – Ray Stanz w/ logo ghost; December – Winston w/ ghost trap w/ blue energy explosion; February – Walter Peck w/ Ghost Containment Unit; May – Peter Venkman (yes, he was shown)
  • 12″ figures: One per quarter, start with Ray Stanz, then Egon, then Venkman, then Winston
  • Will be doing Marshmallow Man, but not as a CnC; “going to do him right”


Mattel-DC Panel News


Pic of the Day


  1. PrfktTear

    @Dharma Dave: Wun-Dar is based off of the Wonder Bread exclusive He-Man repaint that was created back in the day.

    He-Ro and the rest of the Matty exclusives will go on sale August 3rd at 12-noon EST.

  2. Wait, I'm not familiar with "Wun-Dar". Is this an original character, or just created for a re-paint?

    Also, does He-Ro go on sale tomorrow (Monday the 27th)?

  3. @ Poe: Just kidding around; I'm sure I wasn't the first person to think of it. He was just the first figure that popped into my mind when I read that we were getting an exclusive figure with the subscription, and posted about it in the comments. I wasn't seriously quibbling about who should get credit; it's not important. 🙂

    I'm surprised at the indifference most people seem to have toward him. I'm pretty pleased about it, myself. I really like the black sword of Grayskull, too. I had to explain the whole history of the Savage He-Man figure to my girlfriend this evening when she saw the photo and asked me, "Uh, why does he have a loaf of bread?"

  4. I just wanted to let you know that I'm all in now, Poe. I've broken down and got a subscription. I'm HOPING I can get some of the other figures before the subscription kicks in. I NEED a Teela. NEED!

    Now we just need a re-release of He-Man and Skeletor and I'll be happy.

  5. clark

    The Battle Armor He-Man was the only figure I had of that character growing up, so I'm pretty excited about him, I wonder what weapons he'll come with. Also, yay for Moss Man!

  6. Poe

    @DF: You're probably right and I just forgot. Fortunately, I'm not getting a thing out of it, not even the mildest respect of my peers, so I'm pretty sure you're not missing anything.

  7. Awesome news all around; almost better than I'd hoped!

    (If I was a bit less mature, I would point out that I called the Savage He-Man as the bonus figure earlier. But fortunately, I won't mention it. 😉 )

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