Odds ‘n Ends for 8/11/09

Odds N Ends

  • As you can see, I’ve brought back the original Odds ‘N Ends picture. The newer version just never grew on me. Further bulletins as events warrant.
  • I noticed in the poll that a good number of people have listed “Other” for toy message boards they visit regularly. Just curious, what are they? What did I miss, or what am I missing?
  • In case you missed it, Mattel’s going to have flight stands for DCUC in early 2010. The post would seem to indicate they’ll work for MOTUC too.
  • As you may have heard, the Walmart DCUC 5-pack is popping up here and there. It retails for about $55, and in case you didn’t know, you can get the de-mulleted Superman and black-and-gray Batman separately.
  • Received my He-Ro. Review forthcoming. In case you’re wondering, I got a green gem, not that it mattered much to me. Although I didn’t really want red.
  • I beat Ghostbusters: The Video Game last night. It’s a great game, with what’s easily the funniest dialogue I’ve ever heard in a video game (slight spoiler: there’s a scene where the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man is climbing a building to get at them, and Peter looks over the edge and says, “I’m impressed with his agility, considering his complete lack of bones.” Murray nails the line and I had to pause the game until I stopped laughing). I initially beat it on the easy difficulty, and now that I’m on normal, I see why one reviewer referred to it as a “medic simulator.” The other ‘Busters go down every few seconds in the middle of a tough battle. Still, it’s a blast, and if anyone wants to try some multiplayer ‘busting let me know.
  • I can’t keep up with all the conventions. Seems like SDCC just ended and yet WizardWorld Chicago is already over, and now Joecon starts Thursday. Anyone going? I imagine this will be a pretty momentous one.
  • Is anyone else watching Warehouse 13? Have I asked this before? Well anyway, Dr. Mrs. Ghostal and I have added that and Eureka to our viewing pleasure. We have a lot of catching up to do on the latter, however. Anyway, regarding Warehouse 13, I like the new cast member they added, the computer chick–though is it me, or is that show becoming more about Saul Rubinek than the Scully/Mulder surrogates? Am I talking to myself here?


Pic of the Day


The Ballad of G.I. Joe


  1. Hisstank and Yo Joe forums, sometimes WUMB.

  2. Poe

    @Digby: That sort of thing happens to me all the time. Before DCUC came out, I'd never been interested in anything DC-related, and then I started buying comics and watched the entire run of B:TAS, JL and JLU. So welcome to Ghostbusters fandom!

  3. Nik

    I welcome anyone into the world of Ghostbusters. Start learning movie lines and go get an Egon.

  4. Digby

    (the reason for that last post is that i'm working my way through the game also)

  5. Digby

    I was just a little too young for ghostbusters and i've been wondering..

    is it a bad thing that i've become a huge Ghostbusters fan since February, solely because of the Mattel line and Poe's enthusiasm for it? do i deserve to buy egon? am i a poser?

  6. The Flash III

    I go to DCcollector.com a lot and spend time in the figure forum there, so it's not an action figure site of its own, per se.

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