It’s been an interesting year here at PGPoA. On the one hand, my new, busier job has made it harder to keep up with this site. On the other hand, in a lot of ways the site took off this year, with a major spike in daily traffic, guest appearances on podcasts, and brand-new exclusive toys, not to mention adding Bastards of the Universe to the rotation.
I’m not sure what 2011 will bring. One thing I have decided is that I’m going to post on weekends–it’s just too difficult to keep it to just weekdays, since I often have little time to write during the week. Whether this will make any difference, good or bad, for my traffic remains to be seen.
I’d also like to branch out a bit and write some more articles that, while toy-related, aren’t just news and reviews. But I make that resolution every year, so we’ll see how it goes.
As for the immediate future, I have a huge pile of toys that need reviewing, from the 12″ Christopher Reeves Superman, to King Grayskull and Peter Venkman, to the Outer Space Men, to the Alien vs. Predator 2-pack and m0re. Please bug me about it because otherwise I may never get them done.
Speaking of the New Year, I think we should take a moment to congratulate Novelty for completing his Toy-A-Day blog for 2010. That’s 365 toys! You can read a post summing up the year here. And he’s moved right on to 2011.
In closing, I’ll leave you with my favorite New Year-related tweet from New Year’s Eve, courtesy of @oafe: “Someone outside has a vuvuzela. I wish you a terrible year, mystery person.”
Yes, get to reviewing review man! 🙂 I still need my Poe Ghostal Buzz-Off review.
Congrats to Novelty as well. I'm looking forward to 2011.
Thanks for the shout-out! Could I do a few more guest reviews here this year, Poe?
@Poe: sorry, forgot you're not a wrestling fan… forget the reference, it wasn't that funny to begin with. 🙂
Happy New Year Poe!
I always tend to check this site on the weekends anyway, to read the latest comments; so,having some new articles will definitely go over great!
…vader time…? Mastodon?
I saw a Mastodon skeleton at the La Brea tar pits last week.
it's TIME poe… it's VADER time! and if you don't post all your reviews, the Mastodon is gonna smash your skull and take your title!
ok, promo aside, keep up the good work, and worry not about posting on weekends, i think that's a great idea since so few "news" sites do that, it's an edge in your favor.
you know what might be a sweet idea w/ the unreviewed toys? do a competitive review, pair the figs off and having them "duel" to compete for a "prize" like the mightiest toy takes the day? just an idea…
One more comment: I would love to see your review of the Alien vs. Predator pack, Can you bump it to the top of your list? I saw it at TRU today and almost bought it. I need some help pulling the trigger!
Happy New Year! Your site is on my list of daily visit requirements.
I was wondering if you got the new King Grayskull. Good to know you have him. You need to get on that review ASAP!
Happy New Year!Wait…didn't you have the same problems last year?
HNY Poe – yeah, it'll give me a reason to check on weekends so definitely keep on keeping on. And please review that Reeve Supes – I want to read it done right by you as part of that tricky financial balancing act of whether to commit to yet another scale and get one.
Mysterious Stranger
I'd love to see some weekend updates. It would definitely get you one more hit each day from me as I don't normally check here on the weekends.
Happy New Year, been a great year for a lot of us.
It was a great year for the site. Nice to see the bastards and Onan ring in the new year.
Happy New Year, Poe! keeping up with the posting can be tough, I know, but I look forward to your reviews!