2012 Masters of the Universe Classics Subscription Spoilers

DO. NOT. CLICK. the link below if you want to be surprised at the Mattel panel at SDCC.

Also, please do not mention any names specifically in the comments (since people can read them in the sidebar).

The DCUC subscription wasn’t the only “leak”(?) the Mattycollector website experienced. Details of the MOTUC sub were also revealed, including the following:

  • Purchase a membership to Club Eternia for $20 and you’re guaranteed to receive all of the monthly Masters of the Universe Classics figures released during the year. You’ll also receive club-exclusive Shadow Weaver and an all-new bonus map poster of Preternia!
  • Starting January 2012, you are automatically shipped the Club Eternia Monthly Figure every month for a total of twelve months (January through December). For 2012, you will also be shipped four beast figures or multi-packs and four character variant figures at various intervals throughout the year. You are billed as figures ship. Figures revealed to date are Sorceress (January), Fisto (February) and Kobra Kahn (March). The multipack revealed to date is Princess of Powers Star Sisters (Starla, Jewel Star and Tall Star) that also includes Glory Bird.
It seems all the speculation is true–the Filmation rights were indeed secured.


Club Infinite Earths – a DCUC subscription?


Pic of the Day > Arkham Asylum Poison Ivy by pullip_junk


  1. Mattel has said that the subscription bonus figure would never be an essential character. It was supposed to be a cool variant that collector would want but not have to have. Apparently the line isn't doing as well as they say with this years choice.

    I cannot afford a subscription (Don't want one either since I only collect villains) and if I can't get that bonus figure on the secondary market somewhat cheap then I will be done buying the Horde and Skeletor's forces that I do pick up currently. A big FU to the casual fans from Matty is what this is.

  2. Those assholes. The one figure I want next year is the club exclusive. I guess I'll be paying a lot on eBay for her/him/it instead of buying a crap ton of figures I don't want.

  3. R.Ace

    Though I didn't need it, thanx for the spoiler warning…..

    Cool stuff…Hope we get a vehicle or even a Castle Grayskull Tower or somethin'…….

  4. Please don't mention specific figures in your comments–I just had to delete a comment that had two names in it. The names show up in the "Recent Comments," and I want to preserve the Mattypalooza panel for those who don't want spoilers.

  5. Thomas B

    bam! I called the multipack!!!

    WOW!!!!!! I am amazed they went with the choice they did for the club exclusive figure!! People will DEF be signing up now. i can already hear the internet getting angry having to get the sub to get the figure.

  6. noveltynostalgia

    Will Mattel have anything to announce at SDCC at the rate they are going?

    • Seriously…and I'm not even sure if it's a "leak" per se, because the web page is still accessible.

      They still have the four remaining 2011 sub figures and the vehicle to announce, though.

  7. FakeEyes22

    In related news, I've got to see what the nearly 2 foot tall Voltron looks like. Hopefully Matty's 3 3/4" skill level has improved.

  8. AJ7

    Very nice. The sub-exclusive is a killer.

    I *really* want that figure – but do I want it bad enough to sign up for the subscription, especially when the Voltron subscription is far more expensive than I thought it would be (due to the pilots being charged separately at $15.00 each). I don't think so, which means the [BLANK] will be missing a critical team member in my collection.

    The January, February and March figures are all winners. Especially March. I've been waiting and hoping for that character for a while.

    Looking forward to finding out the final 2011 figures and SEEING the 2012 figures in all their glory (pun intended).

  9. Southzem

    YAY! I didn't expect this news. Doesn't spoil anything for me, I can't wait to see the figures.

  10. Battle Catman

    I think this may be the first time I go for a sub. Depends if I like what I see…

  11. Haha… still up. This is funny. I like what I see so far. The multi-pack is interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. The Club Eternia figure is sure gonna piss off a lot of fanboys who don't want to order the sub!

  12. Mountain-Man

    Really nice looking line up for the first few figures. Feb and March in particular. Probably skipping the sub this year; I'll have to see how cool the sub figure is. Could swing me back all in.

  13. FakeEyes22

    Only 5 females? I think the Horsemen might be sexist. ToyGuru has no idea what characters we want. What the heck is a Fist-Or? Basket Weaver? Get out of town.

    Wow, that's a nice bunch of fan service right there! Clawful, Man-E and Kobra Kahn will complete my childhood collection! I think these are all fantastic. Heck, I'm even down with the Star Sisters for the novelty value alone. I have no idea what a Glory Bird is. Sounds naughty.

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