Comic > Batman vs. Predator: Old Scores #1

I thought I’d give a non-humorous figure comic a try. I’m hoping/planning to make more–I have an idea for a whole storyline.


For the purposes of this comic, the only “canonical” texts are the first Predator film and the first Batman vs. Predator miniseries–all other comics and movies involving the Predator are ignored. As for when it’s supposed to take place in DC continuity–I don’t really care. By including the miniseries as history I’ve already placed it outside the DC canon anyway.

BvP 1


On the Menu > Oculus Orbus


Quick update


  1. Poe

    @Monte–Esb's right, I do most of that stuff in Photoshop. That tutorial he linked to is how I do caption boxes, but I use these for my word balloons.

    @Esb–Thanks for the comments on the new look–I agree, it really looks good.

    I've got another deal for a Planet Hulk I'm working on, but I'll let you know if that falls through.

  2. Tutorial time!

    Also nice site tweak. Everything is a bit crisper and the new artwork is prime.

    Also, I have a Planet Hulk avaiable, its loose. Like Paul. He's like a cheap drunk at a frat party.

  3. What software did you use to insert the captions?

    I'm quite eager to try my hand at something similar.

  4. I think all three of us have different talents.

    Truth. I still want all of GG's props and accessories though.

  5. Tom-Tom

    DCUC, SDCC's elbows dont bend.

  6. Nice one, thats SDCC Bats right?

  7. Poe

    I think all three of us have different talents. Pete has the most frequent and consistent output and the widest variety of characters; Googum has great dialogue and characterization; and I suck.

    J/K–I probably do the most with the visual storytelling aspects–angles, SFX, panels, and pacing.

  8. Aw, GG…your strips have a LOT more dialogue than mine, and I'd kill for your sets. Where do you get all that stuff anyway?

  9. Poe

    Thanks GG. The whole shebang, from the first photo to the last Photoshop touch-up, probably took a cumulative three hours of work or so.

    The PS filter I used is Cutout, which I find hides a multitude of sins, and allows for better blending of the special effects.

    I agree the first BvP miniseries is the best one. I own all three. I did like the idea (in one of the later ones) that the Predator can't see Mr. Freeze (although, did everyone forget the UV vision from Predator 2?).

  10. That is excellent. I really liked the first Batman vs. Predator, but haven't read the two sequels, or the later Batman/Alien/Predator/Superman/your mom stuff. Strangely, I know I also liked Judge Dredd, Magnus Robot Fighter, and Ghost vs. Predator.

    How long did it take you to do this? Fanwank's production is shaming me into working harder, and I don't need you cracking the whip at me too…

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