From the Facebook page:
Hey MOTU fans,
Mer-Man will officially be back on sale on April 29th at 12:00 Eastern. We have worked out all the bugs in the system which had halted some international customers and for others blocked the site entirely. For this we are truly sorry and it was not intentional.
But on the 29th, all the bugs should be ironed out and Mer-Man’s second shipment will go on sale.
To reiterate, this is not a second run, but rather the second shipment of the first run. Because we asked for an increase in production late in the game (when Stratos sold out in 3 days!) we had to take Mer-Man in two separate shipments. We also increased production of Zodac and Hordak as well but they will arrive in one shipment.
If this second shipment of Mer-Man also sells out fast we will continue to look at increasing runs until we hit just right right number. We sold as many Mer-Mans in 1 hour last week as we did Beast Man in 41 days, so you can see the tightrope we have been on to not over produce while still having enough to go around. Seems right now each new figure is more popular than the last and with the current production run we are hoping he will stay available for at least a little while.
Also, we are working on completing the subscription run. This should be up in the next few months or so and will likely include the final 6 figures of 2009. It will not include special bonus figures such as SDCC or other monthly bonus characters. It will only be for the monthly figure and we will not be revealing who all of the characters are yet. So if you are buying the subscription, know you are committing to buying the remaining figures for the year no matter whom they are (and boy do we have some good ones coming out this winter!)
The subscription service will also continue in 2010, but will in that case be for all 12 monthly figures. There may be additional convention and bonus figures in 2010, but like in 2009, they will not be included in the subscription program. (as we can’t always lock down when they are coming out based on shows moving dates, etc…)
Hopefully this second Mer-Man sale will go very smoothly and we can head into next month where the Cosmic Enforcer Zodac will join your MOTUC collection on May 15th! (and don’t forget the JLU Legion of Superheroes 4 pack, also available on May 15th)
See you in the toy aisles!
So, with any luck (and fingers crossed, here), you international Mer-fans should be able to get your anthropomorphic amphibian on the 29th. Even Rob over on Topless Robot, who’s not all that happy with the MOTUC style, says he’s “as awesome as Zodac is lame.” I should get mine tonight–I’ll try to get a review up tomorrow.
As for the subscription service, at this point I think we’re all familiar with how it’s going to work. Just show me where to sign up.
Philip Reed
Mattel's too late for me. I've got Mer-Man headed to me and I'm definitely done with this line. The annoyance of dealing with their system last week turned me completely off of the line, and their subscription service — pay what we say and take what we give you! — doesn't bring me back.
I've decided that I'll stick with MOTUC, but not go out of my way to collect everyone like I do with DCUC. I'll stick with what my nostalgia feels are the "main" heroes and villains. Hordak is major enough that I'll pick him up, but I'm giving Zodac a pass because he just doesn't mean much to me.
I've always loved Zodac (his whole "neutral" thing was fascinating to me as a kid), so I'll be ordering him, but I do think he'll be a good test of how well a less popular character will sell. He may give them the lowest common denominator they're looking for.
Matty, the Retard…can't wait for ya buddy!
Ebayed it and got my merman for $26 shipping included!!!!!
Seems to be a lot of hate for Mattel. I ordered two Mer-Man figures last week and received them today. I found their website to be a little slow and I had to refresh a couple of times, but I didn't have any trouble and now I'm looking at the AWESOME Mer-Man!
Congrats Thomas!
I think everyone has a right to be frustrated with Mattel but I'm 50/50.
Although I can see why ppl are pissed at Mattel, I also have this belief that Mattel does all this for hype.
Why? Because they're the only company that causes this much ruckus…this many heated debates…controversy..etc etc.
So I gotta hand it to them, they really know how to hustle.
I imagine this Matty Origin in which Matty gains superhuman intelligence by inhaling large amounts of lead paint. I mean look at the guy…he has this evil grin and everything. Matty knows what he's doing and his retardness is all a facade. lol
Well, believe me, I have a lot of frustration with Mattel also. I can go on at great length about DC Universe Classics availability and insert quality control, Wal-Mart exclusives, silly Matty character, canned answers from the talking heads, etc., etc.
But, in this one case, at least for me, they got things right and I just wanted to express that.
Okay, that's weird…I pressed the "insert" key on my keyboard when I was typing my message and the word "insert" displayed in my message. I literally did not type that word…how bizarre.
LOL thats odd
Michael Lovrine
'Bout the subscription, I guess the He-Ro the DCC exclusive isn't listed as a regular release. Kinda happy about that I guess, we get 3 three figures instead of 2.
I'm guessing they'll be Mek-A-Nek, Ram Man, and probably Tri-Klops; assuming Teela comes out in September.
Michael Lovrine
Actually Tri-Klops is August…should be Trap Jaw! duh