Man, just can’t keep up today…Mattel has posted in-package photos of the next Walmart wave on their Facebook page, along with assurances that Walmart has ordered more this time around.
They’re calling it Wave 9 for some reason…maybe it was supposed to hit stores in force before the Chemo wave?
Jay Amabile
Batman and Joker look phenomenal!
Monty Python
These had better actually show up. I never saw a single figure from Wave 5, and this wave has four figures I actually want, which is about 4 more than usual.
Wow; this wave rocks!
Man this is just cruel.
I only have one kidney left after paying for MP Grimlock so that Powergirl had better be all over evilbay at retail or below………..
Well a Guy can dream can't he…..?
Poe, the packaging says wave 10 on it.
Also, does anyone else think it's odd how Powergirl is flying, thus hiding her assets?
I am still so stoked for that all-black Batman. It's awesome!
The Flash III
@jestergoblin: I noticed that too…perhaps they're sagging a little–it looks bizarre.
What's the large bat-shaped thing with Batman? I thought the Joker was supposed to have a "BANG!" gun. Forager looks sweet and Joker in the packaging!
@jestergoblin: It does.
I blame Mattel for my looking foolish.
Are we all ready? I'm cranking up my broken record….
feh… the whole thing is still a big middle finger to people who don't live near a wal-mart (NYC has approximately none) and I rarely get out to where there are any… scalper-bait like this will be impossible to come by, unless they literally clog the shelves with this wave.
I got "lucky" with wave 5, since I was in florida, begged my wife and friends to take time out of our vacation, so I could check a wal-mart and I found a single Riddler…
I'm sorry, it's just upsetting to know there is basically a wide release set of toys that I want, that I will never see at retail, just because I'm a city dweller
08.13.2009 14.11
Are we all ready? I’m cranking up my broken record….
Hey why not do what I'm doing, and arrange with someone in the states to pick up a set and ship them over?
I usually add the cost of a figure or two to the price of the whole wave for their help and they just ship them over once I paypal the cash over. I've got a couple of people that I know through a toy forum that help me out like this, and even when paying for two extra figures it still works out better than going through ebay.
Its the best option I feel for Walmart waves, as unlike the regular waves, you can't order those online.
The all black Bats hearkens back to the late 90's Grant Morrison/Howard Porter JLA run for me. Very sweet.
I still am in disbelief and, not in a good way, that Wal-Mart was able to score this important a wave with such key figures like the Joker, Man-Bat, and Power Girl also especially given the disaster that wave 5 was for most fans.
Regardless of what wave they're calling it, these look great. I'm excited for the Black Batman, he reminds me of the '89 movie Batman, which was one of my first exposure to the Dark Knight. Assuming that these actually show up in the area, I'll be looking for these for myself as well as several other collectors. Networking, whether with online or meatspace buddies is definitely the way to go!
Man…these figures ROCK!!!! Sucks that I'll have to pay out the bum for them!!!! Man…I hate exclusives. None of the Wal*Marts in my area (including the one that pays me money) carries DCUC. Forager is so Awesome. As is the Joker, i never bought the other one for it was "lacking" in movement areas. Power Girl is packaged kinda weird…And of course Mattel found a way to make me want another Batman. All in all, a series I am excited about. Too bad I'll never see them at retail. 🙁
@ JediCreeper – "…I will never see at retail, just because I’m a city dweller…"
I feel your pain, man! It's torture – complete frigging TORTURE to see pics of these packages & NOT generally see them anywhere here in the Tri-State area, UGH!
Need an army of SOBs (Sons of the BATMAN!) to scope these out, at least in Cali….
I'm probably gonna pick up all of these, if they actually come out that is. The only ones I'm not interested in are Man Bat and Batman. But I want so may of the others, I might as well get them too, just to make Impiriex.
wheres cyborg supes???
sorry bout the coment above. wrong wave.
Elvis, I’ve got a couple of irons in the fire, the other thing is getting the money together in the first place!
Thomas B
i really just want joker and maybe batman.
i actually ran in the last wal-mart wave 4 times over so i have a full set. i wish i would have bought the others when i saw them. i'd have made a crap ton of cash lol
I only have 1 question: Does Joker have his bang gun that was shown at the SDCC. Does anyone know?
Found 2 of the Walmart 5 packs today in Chicago south suburbs and bought 1(hooray), with recent lack of work I almost bought the second for EBAY, but as it goes against everything I believe in I will instead have to sell my blood to pay for my DCUC addiction….
Wow, I can't believe they actually left so many accessories for the Joker.
Which is worse, not having a Wal-Mart in your area and not getting the figures, or having several in the area and one within spitting distance, and not getting the figures?
Man, I am not looking forward to the day I find like three lonely Foragers on the rack. Prove me wrong, Wal-Mart, prove me wrong.
Diego Zubrycky
I NEED that Joker… Badly.
Luv the Powergirl pose in the package. Always wondered how Mattel was able to pitch those Double-Ds to Walmart.
Walmart: "Gimme Batman and Joker for sure, oh and that thar chick with the …. the others don't matter. Kids'll love'em!"
McFarlane used to get major flack from Soccer Moms and Bible-thumpers for similar revealing characters.
Not to long ago a figure like that never would have made it to the proto stage. Ah, times are a changin'