Pic of the Day

Kenner Hoth Wampa by Prince-Of-Cats


Review > Trap Jaw (Masters of the Universe Classics, Mattel)


Guest Review > The Question (DC Universe Classics, Mattel)


  1. Open belly rescue feature? That's one way of putting it.

  2. VanityJosh

    love the facial expression… it's like he's confused.

  3. Wampa was a classic in our house. I still have him. He's mostly yellow now. Hothy goodness.

  4. Ben

    Ah, to remember a time when the appearance of the Wampa was kind of a mystery, which made it even scarier watching it as a kid.

  5. Man, I love that classic design. I know he wasn't the greatest toy from the old Kenner line, but the Wampa was little more than a massive action figure and I loved it.

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