A Big Announcement from Spy Monkey Creations

Spy Monkey Creations has some big news:


The time has come for Spy Monkey to take the next step in our evolution. We started in 2009 and since then our fanbase has grown to heights we couldn’t dream of. However, both our designs and the level of demand for our products have finally outgrown the “garage” style resin production methods we utilize.

Effective immediately the Spy Monkey Creations Store is on hiatus.

All standing orders will be processed and shipped but no new orders will be accepted. The reason for this is that we finally have plans in motion to move to full mass production. If all goes as planned 2012 will usher in an all new era for Spy Monkey with familiar and all new items, the durability of injection molded ABS and PVC and an all new way of using SMC items to accessorize and expand your collections that puts YOU in charge.

MANY of the existing items will return in injection molded plastic at a much lower price point. Those that do not will return in 2012 as limited run resin items.

You’re probably asking “Why the hiatus? Why not continue the resin items until the new items are ready?” The reason is simple. We are a very small company. There are only 3 of us and the time commitment it will require to move to mass production precludes continued working in resin at full capacity.

We know how much you all love the current items, but we firmly believe that injection molded mass produced product is what SMC needs to grow and evolve. Again, resin items are not gone forever, but they will no longer be our main focus. We will still have some 2011 items like Convention and Partner exclusives but ideally when the store fully re-opens it will have our all new mass produced line.

Thank you so much for making all of this possible, SMC would not be where it is without YOU.

Jeremy Sung, Bill Murphy, Brian T. Stevenson

I have a few inklings of what the SMC guys have up their sleeves, and I think you’ll all be pleased when they kick back into production.


Pic of the Day > With Swords of Laser Light by Raichu 08


Poe’s Point > Obligatory Club Infinite Earths Post


  1. Henry

    While my own collecting doesn't overlap with their range of products, I'm happy for their success. While I'm wary of transformers third party companies who steal IP at minimum for add on kits and at worst create whole figures for which Hasbro doesn't see a dime, I have no such issues with spymonkey. This is how you do add on kits, you compliment the official stuff while still having your own identity.

  2. Congrats to SMC and also thanks to you POE, got my "POE Hammer" in the male yesterday and it was awesome. Now I don't have to track down the SMC regular version.

  3. Skullder

    Gratz to SMC! I love your stuff, can't wait to shop the new store 🙂

  4. Mario

    A Spy Monkey fantasy "knockoff" line would be mind-boggling!

  5. Thomas b

    Awesome! Congrats spy monkey!

  6. Mecha-Shiva

    Wish they could make energy blasts and other effects like ground explosions and ricochets.


    I actually met the two guys in line at the Con (waiting for our Matty Pre-Orders on Thursday). Very cool dudes. They told me exactly what they are looking to be getting into. I'm sure they wouldn't want me to spill the beans but I will say it's an awesome idea and I can't wait for the official announcement.

  8. fengschwing

    IMore toys for less money?
    Nothing wrong with that picture at all!
    Good luck to them!

  9. Southzen

    I was just wondering when this would happen. I greatly enjoyed their product over the last couple of years. I can't wait to see what they have coming.

  10. Mario

    Do these "inklings" have anything to do with the picture posted?

    • Mario

      If so, that would be nuts!

      Whatever the case, I never would have thought that, when I sent Mr. Sung a PM on AFI a few years ago, we'd be here today with such an announcement. Congrats Jeremy, you deserve it.

    • No, no relation to the pic. I jus thought it was funny 🙂

  11. Cool, but now i'm really curious as to what they're doing? Armor? Little Dio's? Capes?
    It's also admirable that they're dropping their price when they go mass market. I can't think of any other company that's done that in recent memory.

    • I emailed them a few weeks ago on the possibility of casting the Emerald Energy sets in other colors–they said then that it was a long term goal rather than a short term one, but I can't help but think that this very act here means the process might come sooner than previously anticipated. I'm sure there are other things on their docket, but still, here's hoping!

    • Battle Catman

      Yeah, I'm hoping to see custom armor pieces for MOTUC figures.


    That is all. Go Spy Monkey!

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