A $3 DCUC Price Hike?

According to Scott of Enchanted Toy Chest, DC Universe Classics will go up $3 per figure starting with Wave 11.

I’ll write more on this later, but feel free to discuss/rant/go apeshit below. Try to maintain a modicum of decor, por favor.


It Figures #38 – Ipokalips


Pic of the Day


  1. Jim

    Snackcake thinks i'm a "moron"

    President Juggernaut thinks i'm a drugee.

    See? Those type of comments just encourage me to annoy you guys. I may not insult you since I think that's pointless but like I said, if you want to get your point across…there are better ways.

    I wouldn't worry though, I wouldn't mind leaving the site for good with you guys around. I'm sure you'll be saying "good riddance" soon enough. Who knows? Maybe this is my last post? 😀

  2. Jim

    Oh and a commenting ban?

    I'm cool with that. You have Poe's email. Tell Poe to tell me to leave and I'll leave. 😀

    In fact you can make one of those petitions y'know…let me go out with a baaaaang!

    Since there are more readers here, people like you and snackcake, are the reason why I don't post on other sites.

    You guys act all big and tough making insulting comments behind your computer all safe and cozy. That's why it's totally pointless to insult someone online. Personally, that's why I wouldn't bother insulting guys like you and snackcake.

    Anyway, get that petition rolling! 🙂

  3. Jim

    trolling the site? lol

    Wouldn't be surprised if you and snackcake are the same guy.

    Everything was find till you and "snackcake" arrived.

    In fact, been noticing how aggressive your posts are president juggernaut. Name suits ya.

    In fact, monkey boy was cool. When I referred to the "cattyness", I was referring to you.

    You gotta calm down. lol

  4. PresidentJuggernaut

    No, you're trolling this site. Hopefully this will result in some sort of commenting ban…

  5. Jim

    Hey don't look at me….I'm just welcoming the newbie snackcake.

  6. PresidentJuggernaut

    Well.. that's kind of a douchey thing to do…

    74 comments? Even without the unnecessary doublespam, is this the most active PGPOA post ever?

  7. Jim

    A triple post for the newbie snackcake!

    *thumbs up*

  8. Jim

    Just for snackcake: My doublepost.

    Oh and monkey boy…never said you weren't civil. You were in fact civil in all your responses.

  9. Jim

    @snackcake: Will do snackcake? Meeeeowww! 🙂

  10. Wes

    I think Marvel Universe figures cost $8.44 at Walmart — which comes pretty darned close to $9 after tax out here and exceeds it elsewhere — so $9 sounds about right for an estimate.

    I don't mind DCD figures, since I tend to get them on clearance. And even though they're generally lacking in the articulation department, they do (mostly) look pretty darned good! DCD has some of the most attractive female sculpts ever.

  11. snackcake

    I'm kind of interested to see that there are people who think this is fine. I would have expected that people would at least say "well, that sucks," even if they will still purchase every figure.

  12. nerdbot

    Fifteen bucks for a 6" figure would seem proportional and fair when compared to $9 for a Marvel Universe figure *if* $9 was a tolerable price for MU. It isn't.

    If this price hike comes to be it will simply mean both lines are overpriced by roughly 25-30%.

  13. monkey boy

    hi five snack cake.

    nobody is cat fighting, this discussion has all been pretty civil, at least in terms of the posters comments to each other. our words directed toward mattel however may be quite different.

    still, where's this flame war you're trying to conjure up? it doesn't exist in this thread, friend.

    if i were a completist, saving about $80 a wave for a bunch of figures who mostly look the same would probably make me feel quite a bit better, actually. thankfully i'm not a completist, and this will only affect the odd purchase of a character that i genuinely enjoy.

    to nicholai: the figures are usually great, but finding them is a pain, and paying for them is about to get even more painful. the four horsemen are great sculptors but i only want to own the same sculpt so many times, no matter how good it is. as far as these guys costing less than DCD…it's not hard to make DCD look bad when compared to anything…that's a company i stopped supporting a long time ago. it's almost like DCD tries to suck purposefully just to make DCUC look better.

    and where are you paying $9 for marvel universe? they're between 7 or 8 dollars tops, everywhere i've seen 'em. i've only bought a few, from the wolverine line, but my deadpool and gambit don't seem to share a single part between them.

  14. snackcake

    Jim, can you continue to double post repeatedly on every article on this site, with annoying and moronic, yet condescending posts?

    Thanks, that would be great.

  15. Nicholai

    Your opinion. I'll still buy them. Same price as DCD and I'm in this line for good DC figures. I don't collect anything else except for the rare DC Direct figure and a few of my favorite MOTUC.

  16. dayraven

    dude, that's a load of crap… the price hike is unjustified for the EXTENSIVE reuse this line employs.

  17. Nicholai

    I'll just drop MOTUC. There are only a few of my favorites left anyway to get there. For all this complaining the line is still strong, has put out a ton of great DC figures, and many great sculpts by the Horsemen. Even at $3 more they are a much better deal than $9 3 3/4 inch Marvel figures.

  18. Santo

    @jim….or the nerds who hate everything and the one's who follow like sheep

  19. Jim

    For those quitting the line and going cold turkey….you'll soon feel how life feel soooooooo much better without dcuc. lol

  20. Jim

    lol…i think the funniest nerd moments are the cat fights that go on on every toy site.

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