1.) 3B asks: The larger knee pads on some WWE figures (i.e. Triple H, Batista, and all wrestlers with the kick-pads, etc.) really restrict the leg articulation, is it possible to mold these in a softer, more flexible plastic?
This is something we have been looking into and will pass this comment onto our design team!
2.) TripleM asks: The Hotwheels 1:12 Batcycle & Sidecar from the 1966 Batman TV Show is absolutely gorgeous, and the DCUC Batman and Robin figures fit perfectly! The combination of this Hotwheels vehicle with the DCUC Batman (from the Gotham City 5-pack) and the upcoming Dick Grayson Robin is going to be fabulous and a focal point in my enormous DCUC collection! I think many of us would like to know if (a) this vehicle was produced with the DCUC figures in mind, and (b) if there is any chance (please, please, please!) of future DC vehicles in scale with DCUC figures being released through the Hotwheels brand. (More than anything, I would like to suggest a 1980s/Super Powers Batmobile, and also the other bat-vehicles from the 1960s TV show.)
We would love to do a lot of the vehicles you suggest and it is always great when the Hot Wheels items serendipitously work for our figure line!
3.) dayraven asks: is there anything we need to know about grizzlor’s fur prior to getting the figure? Has it been tested against static electricity, water/humidity, etc.?
The fur will be tested as part of the figure with our normal qualification tests, including Heavy Elements, Plasticizers, and Flammability. No static electricity or water/humidity tests are conducted on figures at this time.
4.) FakeEyes22 asks: You’ve stated that the MOTUC line is roughly planned until 2016 which I assume would complete the vintage line roster. For the sake of clarity, and I realize this is a rough plan with no promises, could you give us any idea of how complete PoP and NA rosters will be by 2016? Some fans are counting on 100% completion of each.
Our end goal is to get to all the vintage figures in time, but there are TONS of logistical issues that come into play and in no way can we give any date when this goal will be reached.
5.) Too-Man-E-Faces asks: Will there be an accessory pack for the 6″ Ghostbusters line any time soon? I’m sure many collectors would love to see some extra proton beams, PKE meters etc.
While we know there is fan demand for this, the unique accessories is what helps make the figures special so we won’t be doing any pack like this in the near future. Maybe one day far down the road.
I know, but the marshmallows, gb2s etc. are out of concern. i probably won't even look at them and never designed to do so. i was just musing about how many of the future "regular" editions i'd need to buy to get my proton-beaming groups finish… oh, and keep in thoughts fully. I like Matty's loyalty here. If you want components for your Ghost busters, you have to buy awful variations that you would never buy under any other conditions. At least he informed the fact. Not that I didn't know that wasn't the strategy all along, thoughts you.
Dana’s cello case – that really could have sweetened the pot of their subscription plan!
@Rich Bernier
!! That's awesome. I'm totally ordering this when my Amazon Gift Card shows up.
Snarf! Snarf!
@Snarf! Snarf!: I asked Matty and by Vintage they mean ALL 3 non-200X MOTU lines… So there is still some hope for Hydron and Flipshot…
Now if they had the toon rights I'd love to get Drissi and Caz.
Kid Nicky
I hate how frigging petty Mattel is. In order to get my Skeletor at retail I has to buy a Lex Luthor,and I STILL don't have Skeletor's ram staff. I do have He-Man's sword,which I guess is a pretty good deal since the retail He-Man doesn't even come with the sword,you know,THE SWORD THAT LETS HIM BECOME HE-MAN.
No matter how badly Mattel treats the GB license, I'm just a sucker. Wont buy any "lame ass cop out how can we use bucks for the vastly different cartoon characters oh wait look mego shit" RGB stuff, but for the 6" stuff, I'm all in. -_- My $30 PKE meter is doing just fine thank you.
I love Ghostbusters, but I'm not going to feed Matty and their cash grabs for accessories here. I have my four 'busters, and if I need too, I'll be making my own PKE meters, goggles, proton streams, rivers of slime, Vigo paintings, Dana's cello case, etc. I'm already working on the goggles.
That said, I will also not be buying a new un-slimed Venkman with awesome new head sculpt because I just bought Venkman. However, if a new figure pops up down the line that I particularly like, I'll think about it.
Rich Bernier
I'm pretty happy w/ how it looks.