Faceless One on…Facebook.

Yeah, so, here’s the Faceless One, a.k.a. Nikolas Powers. It’s not stated on the bio, but I assume Danger’s his middle name. I color-corrected the images from the original post while wondering why Mattel didn’t do the same.

An interesting thing about the Faceless One is how similar he is to the Dormant Form Scarabus (and, of course, suffers a bit from the comparison, however much you take into account MOTUC’s consciously retro style).

I’m a bit more excited about the Faceless One than I was about Chief Carnivus, when it comes to the 200X-specific characters, but only because I like the design more.


Pic of the Day > Terminator T-800 (Final Battle) by EdwardLee’s collection


Pic of the Day > Robocop vs. Terminator by Thorsten Becker


  1. dayraven

    @ Barbecue17:

    that would be interesting… so there's no way in hell that's what will happen. 🙂

  2. Reverend Ender

    @ Bigbot:


  3. Barbecue17

    Anyone think that the 200x Evil-Lyn might be now released in a way as to tie her into the Preternia/Powers of Grayskull era?

    Perhaps the change in skin tone could be explained as an effect of her being thrust through time or something. Seems like an interesting way to bring in the character. Just a thought.

  4. FakeEyes22

    I've been getting a similar vibe from Dormant Scarabus and Faceless One as well. I think they're both really cool of course, and I'm digging the tweaked deco on Faceless One.

    I like the bio. It seems more successful than some in giving part of the whole story, tossing in some clues, as well as some information on the character without seeming awkward. Maybe it's because Faceless One doesn't carry as much baggage as some other characters that have had so many interpretations.

  5. misterbigbo

    @ Poe:

    I'm on board with your comparison to DF Scarabus; the colors, armor aesthetic, and tunic style are similar. They're not matching insomuch as they rhyme, if you catch my meaning.

    But I will also climb aboard the bandwagon that asks why he has a face. . .

  6. André

    I didn´t like the history part about sending Evil lyn to the Future… how?? They haven´t a Delorean to do it?? Doc Brown was born a lot of years after it 🙂

    But about the figure… I think is amazing!

  7. Barbecue17

    I am so excited about this figure!! I think he looks great.

    I haven't had much time to get too much into the bio debate yet, but it seems pretty cool. Wish we could see a better view of the staff in the package.

    Was anyone else surprised that there wasn't mention in the bio of Face One releasing Evil-Lyn from some alternate dimension or prison and then calling her his daughter? 😉

  8. americanhyena

    Also, while we're here. Anyone got any opinions on Clawful's bio?

  9. americanhyena

    I do find it interesting (although not necessarily bad) that we can now add Evil-Lyn to the cast of characters whose origins are actually much, much older than they appear.

  10. RocketPunch

    Andy wrote:

    It’s the most concise bio probably because it comes from the Mike Young show bible rather than the cobbled tales Mattel is putting out.

    His backstory is actually lifted from the MVC comics, not the cartoon.

  11. dayraven

    poe, i have to say, i think you really over-reacted to DMW's post… the two quotes he used there seem to say that you feel two ways on the topic, and i certainly read his post as a harmless "please explain these seeming incongruities" thing, not as a personal assault worthy of the partisan politician comparison. time to ditch the red bull homes.

    personally, i don't really see the comparison to dormant form scarabus, aside from vague color similarities. scarabus isn't even trying to achieve that smooth, rounded "animated" style that motuc tries to catch. FM has little to no textural work whereas scarabus very much hangs his hat on textures or varying kind. FM has "no face" while scarabus has three. scarabus comes with a unique staff, extra hands, flame attachments, a swappable spear head, removable armor, and timekeeper add ons, all made thankfully tougher than tonka tough… FM comes with a recycled accessory, a unique accessory, removable armor, spotty QC, and the inevitable guilt of supporting the corporate juggernaut at great monetary and personal expense. really, apples and oranges. 😉

  12. Valo487

    I really like this one, I'm surprised at the apathy towards him. He looks cool to me.

  13. Snarf! Snarf!

    Nick Powers? Don't like Earth names in my MOTU… Had it been something like the "House of" Names it could've been easier to swallow.

  14. Bigbot

    I would prefer 200X details with MOTUC or DCUC articulation. It's good to get some 200X characters though, and the bio appears to fit with the 200X storyline.

  15. Dead Man Walking

    @ Poe:Calm down, honey badger. I was just asking you to rectify your two statements, which I guess you did in your rant.

    Seriously, if I, a single Socratic gadfly, am too much for you to take, I think the internet is not the place for you. Consider this: you just have me; I have to listen to hundreds of people touting articulation over sculpt, and selling MOTUC as the ZOMG!!!1!! greatest thing EVAH! and 200X as TERRIBLE! And I'm still here.

  16. Poe

    @ Dead Man Walking: What exactly are you trying to do here? Get some kind of admission that more detailed figures are better than less detailed figures? Because you're never going to get that from me. I see the aesthetic appeal of both figures, but I think Dormant Form Scarabus looks "better" in this case. I think MOTUC He-Man looks better than 200X He-Man, I think 200X Skeletor looks better than MOTUC Skeletor, I think MOTUC Vikor looks better than Marvel Toys Conan. None of that means I don't happen to like all of those toys, nor does it mean I think any of them are "better" in some objective, Platonian sense. I am perfectly comfortable with my earlier statements.

    We get it, you like detailed sculpts and couldn't care less about articulation. What I don't get is why you feel the need to press this agenda like a political partisan.

  17. Dead Man Walking

    Poe Ghostal wrote:

    An interesting thing about the Faceless One is how similar he is to the Dormant Form Scarabus (and, of course, suffers a bit from the comparison, however much you take into account MOTUC’s consciously retro style).

    I agree, but…

    Poe Ghostal wrote:

    I just don’t subscribe to the notion that greater detail are automatically superior to a more streamlined or cartoonish aesthetic.


  18. Andy

    It's the most concise bio probably because it comes from the Mike Young show bible rather than the cobbled tales Mattel is putting out. Put me in the camp who thinks too much face in the sculpt.

  19. dayraven

    but to "lose face" can be to lose the respect or trust of one's peers, and he did that… so the name makes sense.

    this is actually the first truly coherent bio i've read. like nothing internally inconsistent with him, and it answers a few other questions… of course, the award for "best motuc bio" is kinda of being the fastest runner at the paraolympics.

  20. Monkey boy

    Stupid name. Also stupid that he has a face.

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